Delicious Watermelon
Mmmm! The sweet smell in my nostrils. One of my favourite
fruit. I was pretty excited to try it. I couldn’t get my eye off
that juicy fruit. We all took a bite of that juicy fruit…
CRUNCH!! I was amazed of that juicy fruit. I tried the skin it
was pretty bright. The feel of the juicy fruit. It felt like gel kind of. The white pips was as white as a Polar bear. At the start it looked like a pickle but the big fruit was 124x bigger than a normal pickle and then I wanted more. Mmmm and 3 more juicy fruit mm mm! But I gave one to my friend. But the black pips was as black as a Black bear. It was kind of yuck!
fruit. I was pretty excited to try it. I couldn’t get my eye off
that juicy fruit. We all took a bite of that juicy fruit…
CRUNCH!! I was amazed of that juicy fruit. I tried the skin it
was pretty bright. The feel of the juicy fruit. It felt like gel kind of. The white pips was as white as a Polar bear. At the start it looked like a pickle but the big fruit was 124x bigger than a normal pickle and then I wanted more. Mmmm and 3 more juicy fruit mm mm! But I gave one to my friend. But the black pips was as black as a Black bear. It was kind of yuck!
I like how you used intristing facts but I think you need to fix the wriing of the page